Website color scheme includes a combination of contrast colors, used as the basic colors in web design, and thanks to them your website will be recognized among the other resources. I should state that choosing the certain color schemes is inevitable in graphic design, as the color is the main source of information in any graphical item.
There are two types of colors: warm and cold ones. The main warm colors include red, yellow, orange and their shades. Cold colors embrace blue, violet, lilac and their derived shades.
When designing a new website, you should choose the colors from one scale and add one contrast color, which will be used to distinguish and highlight important parts or divisions. Generally, website design doesn`t involve more than three main colors and one basic hue for general background or blocks with content.
Most of professional web designers choose colors by themselves or take into account the colors of the company’s brand. If a company has specially developed a brand book, designer use it as main guidelines while working upon the project. However, if a client doesn`t indicate any specific requirements or is not able to make a decision concerning the color scheme of his or her website, moreover, if a brand book doesn’t dictate certain colors to be used, our task is to suggest several convenient online services and make a decision about website colors quick and successful.
Here we go with 3 great resources for choosing the color scheme:
Undoubted leader and presumably one of the first websites offering such service, is Kuler, the product of Adobe company. Furthermore, it gives an opportunity to import any photo on the basis of which Kuler can reflect all the main colors that are predominant on the photo as well as their RGB and HEX code. It is a really great tool, especially for it is easy and plain in use.
The second service in our list of the most popular color scheme site generators is Colorscheme Designer. This online service is slightly similar to Kuler, however I consider it much more convenient and it makes working with the design of website color scheme much easier. One of its most significant peculiarities is the possibility to export chosen colors into TXT or HTML files for their further usage by programmers. This factor provides the ideal compatibility of color on the picture with that one, indicated in HTML code.
The last but not the least service worth your attention is ColoRotate. It is a bit more complicated in use and requires some time to understand how it works, but as a result you will gain a powerful instrument for website color design. Tremendously great functioning of this online resource will fascinate every web designer. Besides, this resource provides APP files for mobile devices with all website opportunities. Now, you will be able to demonstrate your clients color schemes directly from IPad!
Therefore, don't waste your time looking for appealing and pleasant website scheme. Use these great and efficient online services to save your time!
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