How to Expand Your Network


Have you heard about the new trend that job seekers looking for marketing jobs are putting the number of professional contacts they have in their professional network in their cover letter? This should be no surprise. Networking via social networking sites is the popular and growing trend that has not end in site, especially in this digital era. 

Top marketing professionals consider networking as a necessary tool and strategy, so, today we’ll talk about how to improve and upgrade existing strategies.

Stage 1 - Update your social media profiles


It is becoming more and more popular and accepted that your LinkedIn profile is a great substitution for the old CV. If you want to become a successful LinkedIn networker, a fully completed profile with all your professional skills and experience is a must. Ask for recommendations and give recommendations. Make your profile say that you’re an expert in a field. Oh, and make sure your profile picture looks professional and presentable.


Sometimes underestimated as a professional social networking tool for making professional contacts, Facebook does act as your public profile and your image. We shouldn’t have to remind you that that all HR professionals search potential candidates on Facebook. They look at what you share on your timeline, what photos you post and what comments you leave defines how are you perceived by the potential employer.

Here are a few tips which can help:

1. Change/update your profile image to a clean, professional photo. (No drinking beer)

2. Update your cover photo to say something about you. Or, simply match it with a profile picture

3. If you want to appear in your friends’ news feed, let them see your activity. Likes, comments of others’ people posts and sharing really interesting content on your own timeline helps. It works particularly well after posting your new photos and having attracted friends on your timeline. A photo is probably the best way to cause interaction.


Someone said: Twitter is for being written to, but it’s not for being read. Avoid posting useless links or pathetic complaints. Your followers and the masses do not like this and scroll right past it. Try to be useful, educational and informational. Be strategic in your communications and strive to become top of mind with your followers, unless you are using twitter to Q&A.

Yeah, there’s also the question whether you actually NEED Twitter. It often depends on your social communication habits in your professional area, but professionally we recommend that you have a presence and stay top of mind with your followers, clients. 

Ukietech tips on expanding your network

Stage 2 - Action

Events + social networks

Have you received a business card of an interesting person at the recent event? Find him or her on LinkedIn or Facebook. Especially, if you were lucky to have a short conversation. You may lose the connection, if you do not nurture or maintain it. Social media is the best way to keep these contacts working for you.

Social networks + social networks

Indeed, there is nothing easier than establishing contacts through social networks. Add your acquaintances, friends, schoolmates etc. and subscribe to your role models’ profiles on Facebook. Why not? It is OK to become friends with a person, even if you have only a couple of mutual friends.

Same with LinkedIn. Join professional groups, involve in discussions, and create your own groups. Add your friends, coworkers and people from college and acquaintances from your network. On LinkedIn, it is also approved to add colleagues from your professional area, even if you are not personally familiar.

Webpage, blog + social networks

It’s also very beneficial to add your website or blog. You can turn your visitors into your network’ members by using special liking & sharing buttons on a webpage. If your web presence and social network pages are popular, then more people will be eager to connect with you.

Stage 3 – Benefiting

Sociable – popular – trustworthy. This is your formula for success and to benefit from your networks and strengthen your social network positions. You have to become top of mind for few people, if you want to attract more. Here is a tip: first give, than get and if you are passionate, people with follow.

But remember, you have to be generous when implementing all these strategies. False and insincerity are always sensed. You know how? If everything you post is very emotionless, and and your personality isn’t showing through. And basically there’s nothing wrong in sharing a picture with a cute kitten, if that’s your passion. Once a month. On a Friday night. Have fun with your social network profiles, but not too much :).

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