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How to choose SSL Certifcate

So you're finally decide to make your website secure, official and exclusive. Resist the urge to splurge beyond your budget. When you decide to upgrade, things can get expensive, and we are here to help you find the right tool and price for it.
Galyna R.
Galyna R.

Running migration one by one on Laravel 5.5

Sometimes big projects require running migrations one by one. This helps to prevent memory limit exhaust if you run a big amount of migrations. As we can see, Laravel doesn’t provide this solution. By default, it runs all migrations that are stored in its migrations folder. I’ve created a package that solves this probl...

CSS Guidelines

Categorizing Rules        Box              margin, padding, display, etc.        Border & Background             border, border-radius, backgro...
Nazar    K.
Nazar K.

What is SMACSS?

With SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS), we divide our styles into fives categories: base, layout, modules, states, and utilities. Each of these categories come with a set of usage rules.
Nazar    K.
Nazar K.