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Clear Browser Cache: Why and How

What is a browser cache and why should you clear it?When you are in the process of getting your website created, you are likely to face the issue of clearing your browser cache. If you already know what a browser cache is and how to clear it, you may not want to scan this article as you may learn something new....
Ivan K.
Ivan K.

Must Knows Before Buying Hosting

If you want to launch a website, you need a reliable platform on the Internet, where you can place it. This platform is called hosting. Let's find out how to choose proper hosting for your website.Stable hosting is a key point in the successful growth of your website, that’s why the process of choosing it is ve...
Nazar    K.
Nazar K.

5 novelties and peculiarities of HTML5

Today developers are talking more and more about how great HTML5 is. What is this latest craze about? What is HTML5? Let’s find out.In short, HTML5 is a language for structuring and displaying content on the Internet. HTML5 is a markup language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, and is a...
Nazar    K.
Nazar K.

Tips to Make Your Website iPad Friendly

As most of you know, iPads, PC tablets and various mobile devices are becoming very popular and even the standard nowadays. You cannot walk down the street, get a cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop or get on the bus or subway without most everyone connected to a mobile device. Therefore, it is imperative for we...
Nazar    K.
Nazar K.

Fancybox Plug-in

Today I am going to talk to you about the versatile and popular JavaScript plug-in called Fancybox.FancyBox is a tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style "lightbox" that floats overtop of web page.The latest version can be found on and the documentation on fanc...
Ivan K.
Ivan K.