Relax, Take a Deep Breath and say Cheese

Video & Photo

Most people don’t like to be photographed, so we have some tips to help you enjoy being photographed. When it comes time for the photographer to take your picture, remember first and foremost to relax and be natural

You should never put on a fake or unnatural smile, pout your lips and or have unnatural poses. Very often it looks contrived. Be yourself in the front of the camera! Just imagine that there is no camera and no photographer and you are looking at a mirror! This way the photo will be more natural and enjoyable.

Smile !

Try not to pose with a grimace and smile naturally! Smile like you would if you were by yourself reading something funny. And we recommend that you always smile for the camera, because it is better to show the world your happy side. Photos are memories, and your memories should be happy! Have fun and try to smile at one side, turning your head a little bit. This comes off as fun, inviting and flirtatious.

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Pick your angle!

Every person has a certain angle under which they look the best and most confident. Spend a little time looking in the mirror to see how you like yourself the most. Then use that look while taking the photo. After taking the pictures you can analyze them and choose your favorite pose. An excellent option is a turn at ¾ toward the camera, with one leg and shoulder coming forward.

Hide a double chin!

Stretch your neck, lift your chin and slightly tilt the head in one side. And try to lift the tongue to the palate. This will help you to get rid of a double chin and it make you visually more slimmer. Also you can take one hand to the chin.
There you go! Now you know how to take a picture like a movie star...

See also: How to take a Beautiful Landscape Picture
