Tips for a successful photo shoot

Video & Photo

As a photographer, probably the most common thing I hear from people or subject’s for my photos are that they are not photogenic. And, this is why they don’t like to take photos. We are bombarded by fashion magazines, airbrushed images and and the media telling us what we should look like . How wrong they are! Each and every person can be photographed in such a way, that they will be happy with the results. 

The best way to start off on the right foot is to open up the lines of communication with your subject or person who wants the portrait. Remember, a good photographer must be a good psychologist and build up the subject’s confidence. It is very important that the subject feels comfortable and relaxed so you can shoot a natural, non-forced smile, with natural positioning and facial expressions. Contrived and false expressions can be seen a mile away. 

Get to know your subject! Find out their typical range of motions, gestures, facial expressions, head turns, or their reaction to different events.

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Close up photos can be challenging, but very rewarding, especially when you can you see only the face or a part of face in the photo. And don’t worry, be creative, many photographers objective is not to have a picture perfect face in the frame, but a part of the face which is considered more abstract. 

Also, for effect, you can safely remove the crown of the head, ears and even just leave only eyes. It is your photo!. Many times, it is better to show your subject’s personality or character , rather than a plain full-length portrait. 

Also, remember, that during close-ups, everything becomes magnified. So, make sure if you are going to do a close up on a subject that they know to arrive well groomed and manicured.

See also: Enhance and improve your photos quickly with Photoshop actions!
