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When is the best time for photo shoots?

This is a question that is asked by burgeoning photographers’ around the world. There are many variables such as the amount of people present in the frame, amount of light, time of day, weather conditions such as rain, snow and fog, etc. All of these factors can either ruin your shots or add/enhance an interesting unfo...
Video & Photo

Font rendering in browsers: vertical metric

The web font revolution started  about  three years ago and has brought great capabilities for creating impressive websites. And while we can’t change which browser and OS our website visitors use, understanding why fonts look the way they do helps us make websites that are successful and comfortable...

Gop-stop Harlem shake

Epic Harlem Shake has reached Ukietech office!!! And our team has shot our own Harlem Shake video in “gopna style”. For those who don’t know the meaning of the word “gopnik”, check it here! So, have fun!
Ruslan B.
Ruslan B.

What is Your Ideal Workspace?

Everyone is different and everyone has different work habits.  Some people like their work environment quiet and calm while others one like it noisy with loud music. Can these different people with different habits work together in an office and everyone will be satisfied with the work atmosphere? Not ever...

Programming in Diaper

From the very first sight it seems that programming is a dark forest, where only special people can walk without shaking legs and see everything in darkness. Their exclusiveness gives them a lot of opportunities, which they can use for different purposes. These special people work in amazing offices or even at home, ge...